Wednesday 4 October 2017

Process and Evaluation

 Related imageThis is the beginning still shot from Baywatch. I decided to use this movie theme as inspiration for my deodorant advert as it goes well with the brand 'Wave'. It is fun and light which gives the impression that the deodorant will give this affect. Also, as there are both sexes here and neutral colours are used it shows that product 'Wave' is unisex and not directed to a particular sex.

This is the start of my logo using the brand 'Wave'. I used the image of the wave to help create and add to the feeling of a beachy vibe and feel like you're outside.

This is my deodorant can that i altered to suit the theme of the advert. It was plain white to begin with but i wanted the blue beach theme so i gave the can the same tones as the background of the Baywatch still shot. This adds to the feeling of nature and also doesn't have a certain gender target so it appeals to everyone. 

This is the finished advert. I used a different background as it was more suited with the models and the deodorant can.  The movie I took inspiration from was Baywatch and this is because this movie is set mostly on the beach and has a good energy. As it is set on the beach this doesn't define any gender and shows that the product is targeted towards any sex and appeals to young adults. I suited the deodorant can to go with the theme and target towards any sex. It is blue and shiny which gives the impression that if you use it you will be clean and fresh. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to properly sort out the models clothing items so they don't go with the setting and product. They would have been in light clothing to match with the background and give the feeling of lightness and cleanliness.
I have challenged conventions by keeping an eye on where I place items and what colours I use in my advert. I want the focus to be on the background and on the faces of the models. This is because the background is the main focus as it is the setting and the faces give a lot away about the product.
My Photoshop skills have improved a lot throughout this task and I know how to input an image in and sort out the layers. However, I am still in the improvement area and there's a lot that I need to improve on in the Photoshop department.
My client target audience is 16-25 and I have used Baywatch to grab attention of this age range because this movie is rated 15 and is young adult. This movie is known worldwide as it's original make was very popular in 1989. Also, this movie is an action movie but at the same time it isn't directed towards men as there is an equal amount of males and females so it's unisex. That is why in my own deodorant advert I have two people of both sexes to show that my product is unisex.
My slogan is 'ride the waves' and this goes well with the theme of the movie as it is based on the beach. Also, it is aimed towards younger adults as they are sportier than old people so that is why my advert is on the beach and near the sea to show activeness. The font of my Slogan also goes well with the background and the overall advert as it blends together and gives a cool finish.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

deodorant advert

Related image

I have decided to use Baywatch as inspiration for my deodorant advert. This is because in the still photo, cool tones are used and it is near the sea so it creates a light and cool atmosphere. Also on the still photo, there is a person from both sexes so this shows that the product is unisex and that anyone can use the product. Our product name has to be 'Wave' and as this is located near the sea and because of the cool tones used, it matches with the product. 

This is the product that will be on the advert along with the Baywatch inspired still shot. It matches the theme as the colours of the deodorant can are light and cool. Again it adds to the atmosphere and isn't directed to any particular gender so it shows that the product is unisex. It is small and compact to carry for everyday use so this will attract customers. 


Get more action in your life by using Wave. Stay fresh, be more attractive. 

Undress and stay fresh with Wave.

Friday 22 September 2017

Image result for deodorant advert


The slogan says 'i will outlast fear'                             it is white and in front of a black background so
                                                                                    it stands out and it shows that if you use the                                                                                              deodorant you will be emotionally and                                                                                                       physically stronger

there is a woman advertising it                                     It is targeted towards women in their early 20s

the woman is in a tight leotard and is sporty                This grabs attention to the woman's body and                                                                                          also shows that the product is good for sporty                                                                                          people           
The background and everything else is dark                This makes the product stand out and look                                                                                                 really bright in comparison to the background.
apart from the product itself and the woman.             

Related image


Guy is topless                                                    this shows that this product is targeted towards men.

The background is dark and cool toned            This is more masculine and also diverts our attention to
                                                                           the slogan and the guys body.
Slogan 'Even Angels Will Fall'                         Angels are associated with heaven and this                    
                                                                           makes the product more appealing as it shows that  
                                                                           the deodorant is so good that even angels are attracted.
The room is messy and very normal                 This shows that anyone can buy it and you don't have
                                                                           to be rich.

Candles in background                                      This makes the scenery more calm and adds a roma
                                                                           ntic sense to the advert.

This advert is targeted towards men in their early 20s and this is shown by the guy in the advert and the masculine cool tones used. The setting is in a bedroom it is a basic 'man' room. 

Image result for deodorant adverts


plain background and reflection is seen.
slogan is big and bold. It is also blue and white.
light behind product


It reflects the product and the surface looks shiny which makes it look clean and also the indicates that the product will clean your armpits.
slogan is blue which has connotations of being fresh and clean
the light behind the product implies the product is special

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Advertisement Practical Production Brief

You work for an in-house print production company within an advertising agency. You have been given the task of producing a campaign of a full-page magazine advert to promote a new unisex deodorant from UK deodorants, an existing agency client. 

Summary of brief requirements:

  • Statement of Intent(approx. 350 words)
  • Magazine advert: The client has insisted that each advert must have a different main image, with at least two different models used across the adverts. The adverts can be from different issues.
  • Location of adverts: The adverts are to be placed in Total Film magazine and the content should reflect the location
  • Client target audience: 16-25 male and female demographic. 
     UK deodorants want this new brand - to be called Wave - to be defined by its active, youthful, unisex brand identity.
All your group adverts must contribute to a strong and consistent brand identity, using the same slogan/tagline.

The adverts should use techniques - such as intertextuality, generic hybridity, humor or emotional appeal - that engage the target audience and make the adverts memorable.
Your adverts should recreate a film poster or a scene from a film to fit in with the Total Film magazine.

Image result for total film magazine imageImage result for total film magazine image